The place is Farra d’Isonzo (Gorizia) where the Bressan family has been dedicated to winemaking for centuries, tracing back to 1726. Today this tradition is being looked after by Fulvio Bressan and his wife Jelena, as well as his father Nereo that is still very active both in the vineyards as well as in the cellar.
The estate is located where the slopes of the Collio region lead gently down to the Isonzo River Valley, in a strip of land protected to the north by the Alps and open to the south to the warm currents of the Adriatic Sea, where a combination of natural elements composes a unique terroir for the cultivation of the grape.
Bressan owns approximately 20 hectares of vineyards, adopting systems that only allow for a very reduced production of grapes, but of exceptional quality. The vineyards are cultivated personally by Fulvio, with almost exclusively manual processes and techniques. The core idea is that while it might cost more sweat, great wine is done in the vineyard, not in the cellar.
Bressan adopts a method of vinification that follows a natural line in which the philosophy of not forcing any phase of transformation, leaves to the wild yeast present on the skins, the function of creating a spontaneous fermentation that privileges the typicality and local characteristics, without tolerating any external interventions or manipulations.
Fulvio calls them ‘vini veri’ or translated ‘real wines’ and it’s really true, these are wines where the balance of strength and grace is astonishing, remaining faithful to the people and the land they come from.